
Showing posts from December, 2017

Spa Day?

More like torture day! What did I do to deserve this? I was brushed in the snow. I'm very easy to brush! Either a shedding blade or a furminator does the trick. Then inside Foster mom used this "waterless shampoo." That is poop logic! It was sure wet as she sprayed it on me and rubbed me down! Then I had my nails done with the dremel.  What just happened to me?

Star treatment from Chewy!

It's so nice to have a company recognize your exceptional importance! After all, I am internet famous, right? Foster mom dropped the ball and noticed at 6:03pm last night that I only had 3 cans left of my very important nummies. I eat a whole can a day. How could she let it get that low? She's a flake! She fed us all our dinner and was placing an order with Chewy at 6:35pm. Her backup plan was to go to Target and pick up a couple cans. It's just more expensive there. We do not like spending more pennies.  1:38pm today FedEx delivered all my whole nummy order! In less than 24 hours! Clearly they recognized me from the internet and were in a panic to make sure I got my food! It's so exhausting being famous. 

Frozen Tundra

Guess who needed their tag collar made bigger? I'm gaining good weight with my noms! It's like frozen tundra here in the backyard.  Such a sad lack of snow.

Merry Christmas!

So I'm learning about this Christmas stuff. Santa wasn't allowed to bring me special chewies like my Foster brother and sister, so I got sprinkle cheese on my breakfast!!! SUPER YUM  I ate in record time! Santa brought me this stocking filed with toys! This little Santa toy looks interesting Maybe he thinks I need to learn how to play with toys? Noodle keeps showing me but it all looks like so much effort... Not sure I like you Frosty Help! Frosty is kissing me! Phew! I made it out of that situation alive! Christmas is exhausting! Seriously, exhausting!


Since I haven't found my forever home yet, I'm worried Santa Paws won't find me! Rainy and Noodle keep telling me that Santa Paws is magic and I will not be forgotten. I sure hope they are right...

Kennel Longings

Rhonda, the downstairs robot needed to clean my Xpen Why is that thing taking so long? Hurry it up! I'm still waiting. I miss my kennel.  Yup, totally cat safe. There is no cat torture in my safe kennel... At least I can get some lovings while I wait Foster mom even brushed me today! So much torture. Such a wonderful kennel.... Stupid robot!

I am serious about bedtimes!

I decided my bedtime was 8pm tonight and convinced Foster dad to put me in my crate. Foster mom won't let me until it's the human's bedtime. She's mean! Now Foster mom wants me to go for another last out. I am unamused

What will my adoption look like?

1. I get along with all other dogs! 2. I have no issues with kitty cats. I totally ignore them, unless they try to get into the crate with me. Then I bark at them with a single "Woof!" 3. I have impeccable leash manners. This is one of Foster mom's pet peeves. Just remember to slipknot that loop for safety! 4. Can be a little spooky when loose in the fenced yard. Being on a leash gives me confidence. 5. I LOVE my crate. Would be very happy if my forever home had one at least to start out with. 6. No issues with begging or stealing food form other dogs or cats 7. I try my hardest to be super polite. 8. I can be a bit anxious about doors. I try to go through super fast. Foster mom & dad have taught me to "Wait" for an "Okay" whenever I go inside or outside. 9. I have a little bit of a sensitive belly, dried chicken jerky treats are a NO GO. 10. I'm diabetic, so I need a strict diet that is always the same. That way we know the ex

Hanging around

I've just been hanging out, waiting for my forever home.  Eating all my nummies and gaining some weight while practicing some stretches. My glucose has still be awesome! Foster mom still isn't testing me every day. I've been super stable!

More snow today!

I really like the snow! Do you think Snow Yoga will catch on?

I haz talent!

When I get poop foot, it's the biggest most impressive poop foot ever! It took 2 rounds with the poop foot cleaner tool. Foster brother Noodle was very impressed.

Has Foster Mom Lost Her Crazy?

I ate my dinner tonight without a glucose test! Foster mom finally trusts that my insulin level is perfect without quadruple checking. For anyone that knows this crazy lady, you now this is amazing! I pottied like a lady! NO! There's not anything on my face. Oh, the wet food? Totally saving that for later tonight. What else am I going to snack on? Uhhhhhhh ear rubbies! Ahhhhh....

Torture cookies?

Since Foster mom is no longer sick, nail torture has resumed. This time I did not have to wear a muzzle and I only tried "fainting" twice, then only jerked my one front foot away once.  Then afterwards this amazing thing happened! There's this thing called a torture cookie?  I'm not usually allowed to have cookies due to my glucose. We are testing the dried chicken treats from Costco.  I got a pinky nail size piece after being so brave about my feet getting cut off. Everyone hope it doesn't do anything bad to my glucose so I can start having regular teeny treats! All of that nail stress has me exhausted!!!!!